Monday, September 30, 2013

Children's Christmas Party - Committee Needed

Folks, We held the kids 2012 Christmas party last year on Sunday December 9th. This was organised by the Christmas Party Committee. The committee comprised several volunteer parents. Note the party could not have happened without these organisers and it was a roaring success. Your kids loved the party last year. If we want to have a party for your kids this year, we will need you to volunteer. 
Based on the timeline last year, the committee was formed by the end of October- the same needs to happen for 2013. We estimate 50 children in the age groups from Under 9 down to the beginners, hence need a minimum 6 volunteers by Saturday October 26th. Many hands make light work, so please make this a Christmas party to remember for your kids and give a little of your time. Please let any of the coaches know if you can volunteer .