Sunday, June 19, 2011


UNDER 6 HURLING: Our under 6 hurlers played Mt Sion yesterday in Ferrybank.
TEAM: Dylan White Carton, Kyle Daly, Deacon Purcell, Michael MacLawrence, Stephen Brennan, Adam Aspel, Ava O' Brien, Jessie Byrne, Emily Atkins, Caolan MacCathmhaoil, Shane Purcell, Izaak Richards, Fionn McGarrity, Adam Sinnott, Conor Daly, Daniel Griffin, Sean Fagan, Amelia Hartley, JamesMacKessey, Sean Byrne. The under 6 Ferrybank panel was split into two teams, against fierce opponents Mt Sion. The played two games each. The Village soared ahead with early leads in both games. It was a fantastic feast of hurling on show today, from all the kids. The huge crowd and support was superb, and both teams thrived on it. Thanks to Mt Sion in the manner in which they played the games, and thanks to the kids for a great days enterainment. The kids had a ball, and will be talking about this day in school. So to all parents, please encourage your kids to participate, regardless of their lack of hurling experience, as the emphasis is placed on fun. It provides kids with the opportunity to meet new friends and enjoy themselves, in a controlled and safe environment. So why not let your child have a go at Gaelic games, hurleys and helmets provided at training sessions. We would welcome any assistance from parents, who would like to get involved. This is a great way for your children to excerise. For further information please contact John Burns 087-8717039, Conor McGarrity 087-9087745, Brian Richards 086-3589859.

UNDER 8 BLITZ: The under 8 play & stay Blitz contuines this Monday night June 20th in Ferrybank with Gaelic Football taking centre stage. The game will take place at 6:30pm, with players to meet at the pitch at 6:20pm. Games are 12 minutes a side. Please come along and support the team.

CUL CAMP: This years Cul Camp will take place in Ferrybank Gaa grounds on Monday July 11th to 15th July.V.H.I. Gaa Cul Camps provide boys & girls between the ages of 6& 13 with an action packed and full filled week of activity during the holidays which resolves around maximising enjoyment and sustaining participant involvement in Gaelic Games. The cost of the Cul Camp is £55 euro's per child, £45 euro's for the second child, and £35 euro's for the 3rd & 4th child, included in the price is a V.H.I. Cul Camp kit. The camp runs Monday - Friday 10am to 2:30pm. For application forms, please contact Rosemary Heffernan 087-7982990, or any of the club coaches.

CHILD WELFARE COURSE: A child welfare course will take place in Carraiganore W.I.T. on Wednesday June 22nd. Anyone interested in getting involved in Coaching kids, you will need to do a child welfare course in order to obtain your certificate. For further information, please contact John Burns on 087-8717039.

POC FADA: The Poc Fada will take place on Monday June 20th in Tramore racecourse. The Poc Fada will run as follows. Under 16's starts at 6pm. Senior Poc Fada starts at 6:30pm.
Guidelines are as a follows.
. one entrant per club.
. Entrants to be in Tramore to register 15 minutes before the start of their competition.
. Entrants to be wearing Club Jerseys.
. All entrants must bring a person to act as a scorekeeper.
. Scorekeepers will be assigned at random.
. The winner from each competition will represent Waterford at the Munster Poc Fada on Saturday 9yh July in Thurles Racecourse.
For further details, please contact John Burns 087-8717039.

DEISE DRAW; Best of luck to all who have purchased tickets for the June Deise Draw which takes place in Portlaw this Friday night June 24th. Lets hope we will have another couple of winners.

SUMMER CAMP: Peaders summer camp will take place from July 18th-22nd. This year the summer camp celebrates its 20th anniversary. Peaders summer camp is a wonderful opportunity for children between the ages of 5-15 to meet new friends, while at the same time learn the skills of our national game. The day will start at 10am and finish at 2pm. The application form can be downloaded at or printed copies can be obtained from Garry Ryan- Rockenham, Peggie Ahearne-Rockenham, Shane Ahearne-Rockenham, Gemma O' Neill- Farmlea, Brenda O' Neill- Abbey Park. Note all applications must be returned by the 9th July. A big thanks also goes to our main sponser and local man Ray Breen of Kel-Tech Engineering. All people and businesses who wish to sponser this great event in anyway will be accepted with open arms. A fund raising night will take place in Flunns Bar on Friday July 15th, tickets for the night will cost £3 euro's, so please come along and support the night. If you are interested in becoming a helper/coach please contact Shelia Doyle or Rosemary Heffernan or e-mail your details to All helpers/coaches must be 16 or over and available to attend pre-camp induction.